
Roots for Change: Using Values, Culture and Spirituality to Restore Ecosystems

January 2024
Authors: Karenna Gore, Gopal Patel, Andrew Schwartz

“Roots for Change” is the culmination of a multi-year process in which CEE conducted research, hosted grassroots dialogues and organized high-level consultations with communities around the globe. This comprehensive study emphasizes the crucial role of values, culture and spirituality in anchoring and accelerating successful restoration projects. And it provides a roadmap for restoration efforts to synthesize environmental principles, cultural values and spiritual insights in creating meaningful change for ecosystems and communities alike.

Decarbonizing Our Future: The Role of Finance and Subsidies for a Sustainable World

September 2023
Author: Alyssa Ng

Without freeing ourselves from the stranglehold of fossil fuels on our economies and our lives, we will be unable to mitigate climate change to an extent where the world can adapt. The facts demand we re-evaluate the practical and moral constitution of our economies, and to interrogate the modes of being we have become accustomed to. First and foremost is taking a critical look at the models of grants, loans, and subsidies that facilitate the fossil fuel economy, and how they need to be reorganized to support decarbonization and renewable energy. 

Themes & Issues for Climate Justice Training

June 2023
Authors: Tory Field, Karenna Gore and Alyssa Ng

For “Resilience and Resolve: A Climate Justice Training for New York City Faith Communities” held on June 9, 2023, CEE staff prepared a briefing on major themes and issues concerning faith communities and climate justice in the New York City  area.

Values, Culture, and Spirituality: Ecosystem Restoration Conversation Guide

December 2022; Updated March 2024
Authors: Lauren Van Ham and Andrew Schwartz 

Rooted in the wisdom from the Values, Culture, and Spirituality consultations organized by the Center for Earth Ethics to support the United Nations Decade on Ecosystem Restoration, this guide has been created by the United Religions Initiative and the Center for Earth Ethics to help faith communities around the world restore their communities and their ecosystems.

Building MENA Climate Resilience: Engaging Women of Faith in Food Systems Transformation

October 2022
Authors: Amel Lakhdari, Marium Husain, Steve Chiu, and Andrew Schwartz

In May 2022, the Faith + Food Coalition, the Alliance of NGOs and CSOs for South-South Cooperation (ANSSC), and Global One 2015 organized a private dialogue among women leaders in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. This report summarizes their insights and serves to inform United Nations Member States and the MENA region of key challenges that are emerging from the lived experiences of women as they work to address food systems transformation.

Sustainable, Equitable, Resilient: An Ethical Approach to Global Food Systems

September 2021
Authors: Andrew Schwartz with the Faith + Food Coalition Steering Committee

To contribute to the 2021 United Nations Food Systems Summit, the Faith + Food Coalition hosted five interfaith, multilateral dialogues to examine fundamental problems in global food systems through the lens of faith and ethics. The  Faith + Food Interfaith Statement, issued for the Summit, and this report embody the findings and themes that emerged from the dialogues.