Akin Zine
Akin is an original zine published by the Center for Earth Ethics. It is a reflection of the Center’s unwavering commitment to ecology, ecocentrism and collective consciousness in the face of the most formidable challenges of our time—particularly the escalating crises of climate change and biodiversity loss.
The zine’s articles illuminate multifaceted efforts to resolve pressing environmental issues on multiple levels, from engaging international policies and grassroots initiatives, to drawing from deeper wells of spiritual and ethical sustenance. Through its synthesis of personal insights, scholarship and art, Akin seeks to inform, inspire and mobilize readers toward a more ecologically balanced and resilient future.
Issue II: Reclaiming Balance Through Ecological Restoration
June 2024
This issue delves into the critical role of ecosystem restoration in mending humanity’s relationship with the Earth, highlighting international restoration efforts, as well as the cultural and spiritual significance of reconnecting with nature.
Issue I: Mobilizing for Biodiversity at and Beyond the UN
December 2023
This issue examines the success and challenges of the United Nations systems aimed at tackling the biodiversity crisis, as well as the underlying issue causing this crisis: the disconnect between humans and nature.