Climate Training Index

Since 2016, CEE has regularly offered climate justice training programs for leaders of faith communities.

Climate Justice Training Programs


Resilience and Resolve: A Climate Justice Training for New York City Faith Communities

Union Theological Seminary, New York | June 9, 2023


Union Theological Seminary Teach-In

Online | May 14, 2021


Center for Earth Ethics Faith Cohort

Climate Reality Training | April 22-May 2, 2021


The Climate Crisis and New York Faith Communities

The 38th Rabbi Marshall T. Meyer Retreat for Social Justice
Interfaith Center of New York | October 8, 2020 


Regional Training: A Community Response to Climate Change

Claremont School of Theology, Salem, Oregon | December 4- 5, 2019 


Ministry in the Time of Climate Crisis: On Food and Faith

Methodist Theological School, Delaware, Ohio | May 30 – June 1, 2019


Ministry in the Time of Climate Crisis: On Water and Faith

Union Theological Seminary, New York | May 31 – June 2, 2018


Ministry in the Time of Climate Crisis: A Multi-Faith Approach

Union Theological Seminary, New York | June 5–7, 2017


The Gospel in the Ecological Crisis

Union Theological Seminary, New York | June 6-10, 2016