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Week of the Peacemaker 2017: Self+Other+Earth=A Formula for our Future

Advocacy and Social Justice at IONA College

Week of the Peacemaker 2017: Self+Other+Earth=A Formula for our Future  Karenna Gore, Keynote

For over thirty years, IONA College has chosen time around Veterans Day to dedicate academic and co-curricular attention to peacemaking. This year’s Week of the Peacemaker kicks off Saturday, November 4, and concludes Friday, November 10 with its theme: Self+Other+Earth = A Formula for Our Future.

CEE Director, Karenna Gorewill give the Peacemaker Keynote, November 9, 2017, 12 Noon – 1 pm in Ryan Library Romita Auditorium.  The thematic sense of creating an Earth Ethic can be found in a quote from Gore: “We must place value on the most sacred aspects of our lives – community, culture, clean air, nourishing food, and drinkable, fishable and swimmable waters-if we are going to protect them for future generations. Climate change is about more than science and economics, it is about morality, ethics and the very meaning of life.”

2017 Week of the Peacemaker begins with “Hope and Healing in the Anthropocene” on Saturday, November 4. The all-day event takes place from 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. in Thomas J. Burke Lounge, Spellman Hall. Sponsored by the Thomas Berry Forum at Iona College, in alliance with the Collaborative for Palliative Care at Fordham University, the event features a day of contemplative inquiry with a host of healers, teachers and spiritual practitioners who look to guide those in attendance into informative and transformative dialogue on the challenges of being well and offering wellness – of body, mind, and spirit – to an ecologically, socially and spiritually suffering planet.

Other important discussions in the Week of the Peacemaker 2017 includes The Puerto Rican Story: Colonized Other or Decolonized Self After Maria with Dr. Teresa Delgado.