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Climate Crisis Policy Follow Up

Thank you for attending the July 1 webinar (video).  We had over 300 join in and almost 200 wanted to help build a Climate Bill Package or Collect Votes, or both!

This is an exciting and big task that needs a lot of coordination.  Here are some next steps:

1. Group Follow-up Call.  JULY 15. Noon-1:30pm EST.  Register on Zoom.
Agenda:  Legislation (Fracking, Forest Protection) (20 min).  Organizing Planning (70 mins). Q&A live.

2. Organizing Approach: We’ll always be open, inclusive and transparent.

3. Adopt-A-District: If you’d like to take the lead in a Congressional District to secure co-sponsors, please fill out this form.

4. Organizing Leads: If you’re interested in being on a core coordinating team, please reply to this email and let’s connect.   We need a big team!

5. Process for Reviewing Bills:  Discussion points:  Collect bills.  Study, summarize.  GHG analysis.  Determine Group Support.  Here’s a summary of bills to study.

6. Bill Package Principles:  Proposal for Discussion:  Start with Project Drawdown Science. Collect Bills to achieve GHG reductions & fulfill policy suggestions from experts and civil society in the Climate Crisis Policy Digest.  Embrace bills with sector coalition backing.

7. Groups Bill Endorsements: Here’s a list of Groups that have endorsed various Bills, gathered from the sponsors/lead groups.  Going forward this will be an opt-in setup, respecting individual autonomy to support or not, any bill.  Submit your Group’s Bill Endorsements here.

8. Vote Count: Here’s a list of Congress people and their co-sponsorship of various Bills.  Some bills (GND Resolution, OFF Act) are listed to show historical support.