Welcome to “Akin”!
Welcome to “Akin”!
The Center for Earth Ethics is excited to announce the publication of our first zine, Akin, a project conceived and written by CEE’s Aja Two Crows and Alyssa Ng. The inaugural issue explores the successes and shortcomings of the United Nations’ efforts to support biodiversity as a critical aspect of all life on Earth. (Click the flipbook below to access.)
The issue includes …
“A COP Glossary” — an overview of some of the essential terms to understand the current work of the UN to protect biodiversity.
“COP a Seat” — a primer on the UN Conference of Party (COP) process and investigates its strengths and shortcomings.
“An Interview with Roberto Múkaro Borrero: Indigenous Peoples and the UN” — Roberto Múkaro Borrero, a CEE strategic advisor, discusses his work at the UN advocating for Indigenous peoples, as well as explore the history of Indigenous inclusion at the UN.
“Are Humans Nature?” — an opinion article that interrogates the perceived disconnection between humans and nature
Akin seeks to address the current relationship between humans and nature, which is laden with modern notions of extractivism and needs healing.
NB: Akin is a creative, collaborative project of CEE. It is intended to express opinion, and facts are cited in the endnotes.